Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It's not too late: CO Agriculture Big & Small Conference

The Colorado Agriculture Big & Small Conference is this week! Thursday and Friday with a special Small Acreage day on Saturday!

Don't miss my presentation on "Managing Diseases in Hoophouses & Greenhouses" Friday at 10am!

This is THE conference for sustainable agriculture in the state. View the full program here.

This year the conference is being held in Adams County, so if you want a tour of the Greenhouse and Nursery Plant Diagnostic Lab, I would be happy to show you!

Monday, February 22, 2010

In case you missed ProGreen 2010...

Here is a link to the talk that Keith Funk (Gard'n-Wise Distributors, Inc.) and I gave on diseases of annuals and houseplants. Geared toward garden centers, there are photos of the most common diseases and management options.